If you are planning a marriage, there are many exciting plans to make for the wedding. An excellent choice for couples entering into marriage is to consider a prenuptial agreement in order to protect their rights and best interests in the unfortunate event of a legal separation, divorce or death.
No one likes the idea of planning for a divorce, but couples that make prior arrangements for their children and the future of their assets while they are happy and agreeable can greatly benefit from their pre-planning.
If you are interested in getting your questions answered or would like to draw up a prenuptial agreement, your best interests will be served by talking to a competent and experienced Glen Burnie family law attorney. Give us a call at (410) 870-5932 today.
A prenuptial agreement basically puts the wishes of both spouses into a legally binding document. It can be of great comfort because it spells out exactly what type of spousal support will be paid, property division arrangements, as well as child custody and child support planning. For marriages that involve high net worth or one or both individuals' own property, a prenuptial agreement can help them avoid court battles and the emotional trauma and negative conflict that can result should the marriage come to an end in the future.
In the state of Maryland, there is no detailed timeline for organizing and passing pre-nuptial agreements.
Nevertheless, preparing the agreement early on is savvy.
Consider doing this at least two months before the wedding. Preparing two months before the big day is much better than delaying until later and will relieve pressure on you both.
After this mission, you will focus on enjoying your engagement and planning your wedding and honeymoon.
My firm is a small, boutique-style practice focusing on family law and divorce.
I can help you make the most appropriate choices for your prenuptial agreement so that you feel confident that you have made informed decisions about the issues that one must face if the marriage dissolves or you become widowed.
Contact a Glen Burnie Prenuptial Agreement Attorney now if you need assistance with a prenuptial agreement or any other related matter. Give us a call at (410) 870-5932 today.