There can be events in life like a job change or remarriage that make it
necessary for a parent to relocate their residence. If the parent who
needs to move away is the custodial parent, there will need to be some
modifications made in order for them to move the child out of state. The
non-custodial parent also has the right to object to the move, if they
do not believe it is in the best interests of their child or children.
If you or someone you care about is looking to make modifications to a child custody agreement, or challenge your ex-spouse, your best interests will be served by hiring a competent Glen Burnie divorce attorney to represent you. My firm represents both men and women in any type of family law or divorce matters they are facing. I am dedicated to protecting the rights of my clients and making sure that the basis of any case I defend is created on their goals for the future well being of themselves and their families.
Custodial parent relocation requires complex modification to the original custody agreement. If the relocation motion is approved, the visitation and child support agreements may also have to be modified. I can inform you of all of your options in all related matters and provide representation to achieve the best possible outcome in your case.
Unlike larger firms, I can provide you with personalized service and will handle your case from start to finish myself, rather than passing you off to an assistant or paralegal to handle certain portions. When you hire an attorney, you put your future in their hands, and I always keep the well-being of my clients and their families as a top priority. If you need help with a relocation matter, whether you are looking to move or are opposed to the idea, I am prepared to represent you.
Contact a Glen Burnie Relocation Lawyer now for custody agreement modifications pertaining to moving a child out of state.