A legal separation is very similar to divorce in that you make agreements with your spouse about issues like how the assets will be split, custody and support, but the outcome after the proceedings have been finalized does not sever the legal relationship between the two spouses. For some couples, divorce is not an option because of religious views, economic situations and sometimes because of health insurance coverage.
If you are interested in information about legal separation or would like to start the process of legal separation, your first step should be to talk with an experienced Glen Burnie divorce attorney who can inform you of your rights and let you know how to keep them protected.
Carefully drafting the appropriate legal agreements regarding your separation will be necessary, especially if there are children involved.
Having a competent legal representative on your side will ensure that your best interests are served from the start of the proceedings through the finalization. My firm is a small, boutique style practice that focuses on divorce and family law. I am an experienced litigator and can provide you with effective representation in and out of the courtroom. If you have goals in mind for certain aspects of your separation, I can help create a plan that aims to achieve the most favorable result possible.
If you or someone you care about needs legal advice or competent representation, Contact a Legal Separation Attorney now. Give us a call at (410) 870-5932 today.